Tuesday, April 22

Diapers & Potty Training • Cloth All-In-Ones and Fitted Diapers

Do you want to diaper with the environment in mind? The diaper debate has been raging for some time now, and there are different considerations and criteria that people use to make the decision which system is right for them, and which one is, in fact, eco-friendly.

Cloth Diapers these days are not like your mama's cloth diapers. Cloth diapers now come in a range of styles, and if you want to go this route, you can easily find something that will work for you. The question is, are they the greenest choice? Some people vote yes, because ultimately there is less landfill or disposal, and if you use organic ones, no pesticides were used to grow the cotton and so you are good there. The point where you might see some debate is the water and energy usage for cleaning, whether you use a service or you wash at home. Depending on the efficiency and capacity of your washer/dryer, and the settings you use (washload size/temperature), you may be using a lot of water and a lot of energy. Save energy by drying outside.

All-In-Ones: These combine a diaper and a diaper cover in one, with fasteners attached. Good examples of these are: Bumgenius and Swaddlebees (their Econappi is organic).

Fitted: These are shaped like a disposable, with elastic at the legs, and typically have fasteners, but require the use of a separate cover. Good examples of these are: Kissaluvs and Happy Heinys (check out the hemp version).

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